Thursday, August 03, 2006

Ms. Clean?

Never did I imagine that I would be so intimate with cleaning supplies and paper towels...Although my bottle of Clorox Clean-Up is quickly feeling like a long lost friend. I've spent the past few days in and out of meetings, but mainly I've been on my hands and knees cleaning out my classroom. While it's true that the wonderful janitorial staff at my school spent a greater part of the summer months cleaning windows and waxing floors...God Bless 'em...I was given a classroom with the former occupants' belongings all being 'stored' there for the summer. Similar I would imagine to arriving to a newly leased apartment only to find that the former tenant hasn't exactly moved out yet...and has no intention of doing so anytime soon. I've been cleaning, scrubbing, and moving around boxes, until yesterday when the other teacher decided to shape up and ship out. Can we have a show of hands for the other occupations that require such manual labor prior to occupying one's new office? Teachers, I feel ya.
It's been a long week of meetings, cleaning, and work...But I'm here for a challenge, so I press on.


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